Community and business leaders, elected officials, and local citizens are coming together to make the 2016 Democratic National Convention in Philadelphia the most engaging and inclusive political convention in modern history. This app will help the New Jersey State Democratic Committee and the delegates navigate the convention and keep up with events. After the convention, this mobile app will remain a convenient communications tool for all those associated with Celebrate New Jersey Now.
Celebrate New Jersey Now is a 501c4, social welfare Non Profit dedicated to promoting New Jersey Commerce and the Electoral Process. The Democratic National Committee Convention in Philadelphia during the week of July 24th through the 29th of 2016, presents a unique opportunity to highlight New Jersey and regional businesses and industries. Thousands of NJ residents will travel to Philadelphia to participate in events, meetings, trainings, seminars, rallies, day-trips, caucuses, speeches and receptions. Celebrate New Jersey Now will facilitate, fundraise for, and organize the participation of New Jersey residents in all of these activities.